Wednesday, February 25, 2009

New Project: To Kit or Not To Kit

On Kathy's Stitching, she posed the question about how many projects (or work-in-progress WIP) most people have going at once. I personally have only been seriously cross-stitching this year. I have been working on a large nativity set off and on for almost 10 years, and finished the occasional small project during that time. However, this year, I have decided that I must be purposeful about finishing things.

Currently I have 5 WIPs that I am rotating, because I finished one of my 2009 goals! Sometimes, I rotate on a daily basis, sometimes it is weekly. In addition to those, I have a stitch-along project (SAL), Lavender & Lace's Spring Angel, that will be starting in June.

I have 13 patterns completely kitted and ready to stitch. That includes fabric and and floss. Some of those are patterns that I will be stitching for my mom. I prefer to have things completely ready to go, so that I can grab a bag and be ready to start stitching. Beyond that, I have another 15 or so patterns that are in various stages of being kitted. I figure I have a few to finish before I will be getting to those.

So the answer to the question for me is: definitely to kit.

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