Thursday, May 7, 2009

A New Start and A New Toy

Well, I have had a slow stitching week so far. Hubby had to go on a trip, and the kids and I have been having a slumber party all week. Of course, I stay up late when he is gone, so I have been tired. However, I did find some other material and was able to get a start on the Brothers are Best pattern. Here is what it looked like on Sunday and tonight.

Here is my new toy. Hubby ordered a new phone for me, since we renewed our plan with our cell carrier. It is the coolest purple phone. The picture doesn't do it justice. I have spent some time playing with it to get all the settings changed. I picked out a funny ring for text messaging, and since Hubby is away for a trip, we have been doing lots of texting. Miss Twinkle Toes does this funky dance every time it goes off. It's very funny.

My order from JoAnn's arrived today. I got some mounting boards for needlework. So I will be
able to frame my memorial piece for TSGt Scott Eric Duffman and get it sent to his family. I am also prepping for another memorial for Lance Corporal Blake Antonio Magaoay, who was killed in action in Fallujah, Irag on November 11, 2004. I will be posting some information about LCPL Magaoay soon.


  1. Cute phone - I know what you mean about staying up. When it's just me, that's exactly what I do! Nice progress on brothers.

  2. Nice start.
    I love the color purple phone.
    I am sorry not to let you know before this that I received the LK chart safe and sound. Thank You!!
    The weather here has been to nice to sit at the pc, lol.

  3. nice phone, I just got a blackberry and it will takes months for me to figure out how to use it! You've made some nice progress in a few short nights!
