Saturday, January 23, 2010

Third Finish for 2010

Another goal for the year done.  I finished up America: Home of the Brave last night.

Home of the Brave, by R & R Reproductions
(Memorial piece for 9-11)
sewn on 28 Ct Sea Fog Linen,
using WDW whitewash, twilight, ST Buckey Scarlet, and DMC 336.

The Week in Review

For UFO Tuesday, I worked on Thanks Be To God.  Here is almost what it looked like when I started.  I added the top letters before I thought to take a starting picture.

Here is what it looked like Tuesday evening.

Here is a picture of my TUSAL, all of my thread snippets from 2010.

Over the weekend, I plan to stitch some of Cat-o-lantern.  This is a pattern I absconded from my Mom's stitching stash.

I figure I will work on something small and quick for a little bit, then hit the nativity patterns. Thanks for checking out my blog!  Hope you get some good stitching time this weekend.

(c) 2010 There A Stitch


  1. Do you have all your patriotic finishes around your home? Way to go on the the UFO.

  2. Congrats on your third finish. Your Wip looks great too.

  3. Home of The Brave looks great. I also like Land That I Love. Very pretty.
    You always have such nice patriotic projects to show us. I enjoy them very much.
