Sunday, April 18, 2010

April 18 Update

My stitching has been very scattered this month.   This week was standardized testing for my oldest DD, and I was  busy proctoring testing for 7th and 8th graders.  Plus I haven't been feeling very focused on stitching- I guess it is anticipation for getting ready to move this summer.  

So this week, I worked on Spring House on Monday and Friday.  Here is my progress so far.

Then I worked on my Nativity Camel on Tuesday and Wednesday, although I did not get a lot of stitching time those days.  I think I am going to have to just focus on the camel so I can keep moving on the Nativity set!

Here is my TUSAL update as well.  Getting pretty full!

Thanks for stopping by!

(c) 2010 There A Stitch


  1. Looking good.
    Will be watching your nativity set with interest.

    Happy stitching to you.


  2. I always love seeing what you're working on - your projects are always so lovely! I hear you on the stress of testing. As a homeschool mom, I always get stressed at testing time.
    Good luck with the move - you'll have new walls to grace with your stitching! :)
