Monday, July 5, 2010

A Late Update

Well, things have been pretty busy getting ready for our move.  We also made another trip to the Big Island a couple of weeks ago, so I haven't had much stitching news.  

First, I started one of the Mill Hill Christmas ornaments while on the Big Island.  It is coming along pretty nicely.

I also started a small project called Nightie Night by Twisted Threads.  It is going to be for my brother and sister-in-law's twins, expected sometime in November.  

I will probably not have an update on here until after we move and get settled.  Talk to you then!

(c) There A Stitch


  1. Almost done with the Mill Hill! I'll look forward to seeing more on the piece for the twins. Good luck with the move!

  2. Great WIPs.

    Have a safe move.

  3. Great stitching! I just bought that MH tree myself. Hope your move goes smoothly!
